JamboTravel House


Destination Overview

Winston Churchill referred to Uganda as the “Pearl of Africa” with its vast wilderness areas and perhaps the continent’s most diverse range of Wildlife. The country offers top wildlife destinations, fantastic adventure holidays and the best bird life anywhere. Its hidden valleys and vast grass land plains were once the stamping ground of the infamous elephant hunters.

From the snow capped peaks of the Rwenzori Mountains, to the awe-inspiring spectacle of Murchison Falls, and from the Impenetrable Rain Forest of Bwindi to the endless horizons of the central plains, Uganda’s scenic diversity and richness of the landscape compares favorably with anywhere on the African continent. Uganda is also sanctuary to such rare and unusual species of wildlife such as Uganda Kob and the Shoebill Stork, together with the magnificent Mountain Gorilla as well as some of Africa’s largest concentrations of Crocodile and Hippo.

The Pearl of Africa is indeed a compelling destination and we are delighted to extend to you an invitation to follow in the foot steps of those early explorers like Speke, Grant and unlock the secrets of this priceless African gem.

National Parks

National Reserves