JamboTravel House

Murchison Falls National Park

Murchison Falls National Park​ View Our Brochure For More Details “Devil’s Cauldron” Murchison Falls became one of Uganda’s first national parks in 1952 At Murchison Falls, the Nile squeezes through an 8m wide gorge and plunges with a thunderous roar into the “Devil’s Cauldron”, creating a trademark rainbow The northern section of the park contains savanna and borassus palms, […]

Queen Elizabeth National Park

Queen Elizabeth National Park​ View Our Brochure For More Details Medley of Wonders! The park was founded in 1952 as Kazinga National Park, and renamed two years later to commemorate a visit by Queen Elizabeth II. The Katwe explosion craters mark the park’s highest point at 1,350m above sea level, while the lowest point is at 910m, […]

Kibale National Park

Kibale National Park​ View Our Brochure For More Details Africa’s foremost research site Kibale is one of Africa’s foremost research sites. While many researchers focus on the chimpanzees and other primates found in the park, others are investigating Kibale’s ecosystems, wild pigs and fish species, among other topics. Kibale National Park contains one of the loveliest and most […]

Ruwenzori Mountains National Park

Mt. Ruwenzori National Park​ View Our Brochure For More Details The Rwenzoris – the fabled Mountains of the Moon – lie in western Uganda along the Uganda-Congo border. The equatorial snow peaks include the third highest point in Africa, while the lower slopes are blanketed in moorland, bamboo and rich, moist montane forest. Huge tree-heathers and colourful mosses are […]

Kidepo Valley National Park

Kidepo Valley National Park​ View Our Brochure For More Details Overview Kidepo Valley National Park lies in the rugged, semi arid valleys between Uganda’s borders with Sudan and Kenya, some 700km from Kampala. Gazetted as a national park in 1962, it has a profusion of big game and hosts over 77 mammal species as well […]

Bwindi Impenetrable National Park

Bwindi Impenetrable National Park​ View Our Brochure For More Details Located in south-western Uganda, at the junction of the plain and mountain forests, Bwindi Park covers 32,000 ha and is known for its exceptional biodiversity, with more than 160 species of trees and over 100 species of ferns. Many types of birds and butterflies can […]